



Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Adaego episode 35

Episodes 35
I cried that day Ernestly wishing for my sweet and Cordial relationship which my mum to return back to normal, my tears fell down freely like water as all the sweet memories with my mom came rushing into my mind. What could be the reason for her pain?, how can I stop my friendship with Adaego when she is the second most important person in my life after my mum?. I don’t think stopping my friendship with Adaego will stop this cos it seems like I opened an open a wound in her heart which she was trying to cover by mentioning Adaego father’s name and if that is true,putting an end to my friendship with Adaego will not stop it,all I have to do is to find another way to settle this but what can i do when. She has refused to tell me. What is eating her up?.
I got to school early the next day and was welcomed by a bright smile from Adaego which melt my soul and heal my painful heart. I exchanged some few greetings with my friends and settled down gisting with the angel sent to gladen my heart. Few minutes later our agricultural Science teacher walked into the class and the teaching of the day commence.uncle Nicholas is a young man who could probably be in his late 20s,he is tall and agile with a wicked grin which always appear on his face spoiling his handsomeness but it is always on the boys cos I noticed he is always meek to girls especially Amanda. I noticed right from when I came to that School that he love flirting with girls,he can punish a boy for the slack mistake of not greeting him properly but the girls will even pass him by and call his name and He will stupidly answer with a bright smile and irritating grin.well that is not my business,as far as he is not trying to get close to my Ada neither My friends then I have no problem with him not that I could do anything to him though.he was teaching agricultural farm implement a subject that I have already been used to,implanted in my head like my name but what could I do rather than to seat and do what everyother students are doing which is to listen attentively.
The bell for break jingled and the teacher in our class call it off for the day.the ss3 and the ss2 are to play their final knockout match that day so Vincent,anabel and adaeze went out to watch the match which I bluntly refused to follow.the winner of that match will be qualified fully for final with any class that win the tomorrow match which is between the ss1 and jss2.
“let’s go and have launch wealth” Adaego elucidated with a bright smile which kinda put so much joy in my face cos I was really hungry but that is not the reason I was happy though.i was happy because she called me with my surname for the Second time and she actually stretched her hand to me which I grabbed happily as we walk with our hands entwined together toward the cafeteria with so many gazes directed on us but Who cares when am with my Adaego?.
We got to the cafeteria and I sighted Lilian and Mariam seating at the extreme of the cafeteria and the surprised expression in their faces was so grieved as she patted Lilian who was busy taking sips of wine and she pointed at us saying some incoherent words that I could not hear cos the distance.i don’t know if Adaego saw them,she was just smiling brightly as we sat down close to the entrance while I took some few glances at Lilian and mariam,oblivious to Adaego or so I thought.
“OK, today is your turn to order,so place an order for the two of us but you must not order for fried rice am tired of that”.Adaego said drifting me from my thought.
“huh!!,for the two of us?”I exclaimed with a surprised expression.
“ heard me right and mind you,is not everything I do eat”.she retorted confusing me more.
“so how will I know what you don’t eat?”
“use your instent,since I am in your heart”.she added.
I was totally dumbfounded at her last statement while she sat down smiling sheepishly as I started judging myself inwardly. She actually knows she is in my heart but how will I know if she is feeling the same Way for me?,I really wish I could know her feelings.she said I should order something for the both of us and if I should follow the voice of the intestine my stomach,i need a strong food like semovita or pounded yam or even fufu,but will she like it?,that is the question my mind was asking as I sat down contemplating but there is nothing wrong with trying so let me try.
“waiter please come to this table”.i called on a young female waiter who was less busy and she came as expected.
“aunty welcome,good morning “.she greeted Adaego who sat down staring at me like I did something wrong and she is waiting for me to say it out before she bounce on me, as she reciprocated the greeting with a Mumuring incoherent word.
I took a quick glance at Lilian and mariam and I could see vividly the anger which was emanating from mariam face as she was seen discussing with a junior students who was seen heading toward our table and I paused my order to know what she must have sent the girl.
“good morning senior,the head girl said I should tell you to join them in their table”.the girl retorted and I stare at her in awe and Adaego who was busy staring at me and I know she was waiting to know the decision I will take.
“tell her am not interested with whatever she has to offer,and don’t come back here again “.i commanded and she left to deliver my reply.the building is very big with so many people including non students eating and doing whatever they like and also,lilian and mariam were seating at the extreme end which make it difficult to hear their discussion. I could see anger displaying on their faces as the girl explained to them and I removed my gaze from them resting my mind on what brought me here and Adaego who was making everything difficult for me by not saying anything rather she was staring at me steadily.
“why are you not saying anything? “.i asked her and the waiter stare at her filled with curiosity too.
“the last time I check,i ask you to place an order for us so am waiting for that”.she retorted for the first time and my curiosity calmed down a little but I was still wandering why she didn’t say anything about mariam and Lilian.
“OK.please waiter get us two plate of pounded yam and egusi soup with fi….”.
“no!!!”.Adaego interrupted my last word with an echoing shout drifting attentions to us.
“aunty,uncle requested for the best delicacy here o, you will love the pounded yam and the fis….
“shut up!!!”. Adaego shouted sparking up from her seat in anger and she cover her ears with her both hands.
“dont ever mention that name here again”.she added and I stare at her with my mouth Open wide.
The anger I saw in Adaego expression cannot be compare to that with the history teacher as I watched her in total shock unable to fathom the actual reason why she is Angry.the waiter too became shocked at Adaego outburst as she quickly ran in fear outside heading to the back of the cafeteria. Adaego stood abrutedly staring at me and I could see particle of tears forming out of her eyes and the dark part emanating some sparkling blue. I was looking for the best way to calm her down and never to mention what she is angry for again when my worse fear gathered around me.Lilian and Miriam stormed our seat with anger visibly seen in their face and I could see they are not there for childs play even though they were fully aware of the scene they were creating.
“so Is because of this irritating b---h you refused to answer the call of your head girl”.Mariam elucidated pointing at Adaego.
“and the school swimming champion”.Lilian added pointed out her own position and Adaego removed her hands from her ear directing her gaze on them for the first time staring at them with an expression sparkling with deadly look and I know at that instant that ‘it is finished’.
>>>to be continue……

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