Regarded as one of the most consumed meals in Nigeria, Garri has been seen as a meal that is just for the lowly or economically challenged ones, but on the contrary, the health benefit of Garri is far more incredible than the perceived notion given to it.
Made from tubes, roots of cassava plants, Garri contains proteins, iron, vitamins B and C, carbohydrates, and also starch. Aside from all these healthy nutrients contained in Garri, the leaves also contain calcium, fats, iron and protein.
The awesome nutritional benefit of this local food is a major reason why people should stop shying away from having this food to the fullest any time of the day.
Some have even concluded that Garri is one meal that is responsible for bad sight or gradual eyesight loss, against that notion, this local food helps and aids you good eyesight.
Let’s check out the enormous health benefit of Garri;
1 Helps Shred Weight;
If you desire to have a charming physique, then drink Garri often. Although very starchy, it is low in calories and its richness in Cassava fibre help you stay full for a long time, which helps your stomach from desiring food now and then.
2. Helps Keeps Your Digestive System In Great Shape;
3. Keep From Cancer;
4. Cures Diarrhoea
You’ve probably heard from your mum that you should soak and drink Garri whenever you’re stooling, guess, you think it’s stale and does not necessarily work, but here’s the gist, Garri still work wonders and amongst that wonder is that it still stops diarrhoea.
Next time you can’t control your constant visit to the toilet, kindly soak local Garri and much it till you’re fullest.
5. Helps your eyesight;
Garri is very rich in Vitamin A and also Bakarotennya, that improves the health of your eyes and pavements future blindness or poor eyesight.
6. Full of Folate;
Pregnant women are always in great need folate and Vitamins C. One cup of Garri contains 15 per cent of your daily folate needed and also 47 per cent of the daily calcium you need, the two vitamins also help the body’s immune system.
Next time, you’re thinking to consume Garri, enjoy yourself to the fullest, it is healthy nutritious and the most economical food you can afford anytime any day.
Wow that nice